Size: 100g
Sarsaparilla (Smilax, Hemidesmus indicus) can refer to two species of plant, Smilax or Hemidesmus indicus. Smilax comes from South America, and Hemidesmus indicus comes from India, and they have similar properties. They have anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antioxidant, anticancer, diaphoretic, and diuretic properties. Sarsaparilla has been shown to bind with toxins for their removal from the blood and body. Sarsaparilla is used in traditional medicine to treat skin conditions like psoriasis and leprosy, rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain, headaches, colds, and sexual impotence.
Sarsaparilla serves in:
- binding with toxins
- detoxifies the blood
- anemia
- impotency in men
- anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, anticancer
- diaphoretic and diuretic properties
- gout
- arthritis
- colds/fever
- hypertension
- pain
- lack of sexual desire
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